Fungus Fraud & Piperine History
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Fungus Fraud & Piperine History

The highly prized white truffle, Tuber magnatum, can easily cost a fortune. The coveted fungus can run up to $200 per ounce, and in December 2014, a 1.86 kilogram white truffle was sold for $61,000. With skyrocket prices for a small hunk of fungus, cheaper alternatives were developed for obtaining that14 distinct truffle aroma and flavor … Continue reading

Apple Orchards & Apple Washes
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Apple Orchards & Apple Washes

To keep up with the national demand for apples, apple trees are not grown from apple seeds, but rather, spliced together from different sources onto a dwarf “rootstock”. This enables increased production of more uniform apples, but unfortunately also decreases genetic diversity among apple trees. Vulnerability to any one disease could decimate the entire apple … Continue reading

Burger Nanomaterials & Chicken-free Chicken
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Burger Nanomaterials & Chicken-free Chicken

Cooking, such as intensively heating a burger patty, is considered a form of food processing. Heating meats at high temperatures generates compounds such as benzene and polyaromatic hydrocarbons that are known to increase the consumer’s risk of developing cancer. Researchers in China found that grilling beef patties at extremely high temperatures produces carbon dots. Furthermore, … Continue reading

Organic Onions & Tear-free Onions
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Organic Onions & Tear-free Onions

Studies investigating the chemical differences between organic and conventionally grown produce are difficult to carry out, in part because many factors cannot be ruled out, such as annual differences in weather and other environmental factors. A six-year study in onions shows that organically grown onions contain higher levels of phytochemicals. The authors of the study … Continue reading